Don’t play favorites

I don’t know if I have a favorite person. That or I have fifty (no middle ground) all for various reasons. My mom, my gal pals, my sisters, my dad, my nephew….you see where I’m going with this. However if I had to pick a favorite it’d be this girl: Imagethat’s right, it’s me. I’m not really a narcissus, but you have to like yourself, right? You’re always with your own mind. Now this may be a stretch but the longest I’ve been away from myself was the first time I got a migraine.

My advice to anyone would be “don’t get a migraine.” Super helpful I know since you don’t really get much say in the matter. Anyway, I was a sophmore in college and I was in studio when the rim of my vision started to get blurry. Once that class was over I called my mom t. Ask her about scheduling an optometrist appointment. We discussed that maybe my eyes were just suffering from fatigue/strain since I was on the computer all the time for class.

Anyway, I headed off to my drawing studio (where we were stating figure drawing) and made it halfway through the class before I had to run to the restroom. After I was sick and cleaned up I went to my professor to get dismissed for the rest of the day. She had no complaint. I headed over to my mom’s office and she kindly dropped what she was doing to get me home. Then the headache stormed in. For the next twelve hours I had little sense of where I was, let alone who. All I knew was the pressure of pain and the temporary relief of tortured sleep. Finally when dawn woke me the next day I had returned to my normal state with the realization that I had survived my first migraine.

Then I took myself off to the shower so I could get ready for work/class. While getting ready I had a lengthy conversation with myself about how I hope to never have to go through that again. A vain hope, same thing happened two years later, and then again eighteen months after that. However those two times weren’t as bad since I was at least comforted by the knowledge of what was happening. (Even if the who was still a bit of an unknown).